Monday, February 27, 2012

Alignment Activity

This activity focused on alignment.  We were given an image from our textbook, and had to replicate it.  I decided to create my visual in Powerpoint.  The color-blocked column on the right, is executing the idea of "alignment to the left."  Each box on the left also has a cupcake which is centered.  The text that is present is somewhat centered in the middle of the visual, but also "aligned left."  It is common for text to be aligned to the left.  It is how we write in the US, this paragraph about the visual above is also aligned to the left. The only text that we had to have actual words for was the title (Homemade Delicious Cupcakes) and the company name in the bottom right (Turner&Holmes).  All other text was created using "lorem ipsum" also known as "dummy text."  They are various fonts used throughout, but I think they work well together.  The smaller text is typed in a serif font, which the larger, bolded words are sans serif.  I decided to keep the color scheme constant from the original image to the visual that I created.  I did like the colors that were used, I felt like they popped off the page and caught viewers attention.  The different angles of the cupcakes were created by using the rotation tool in Powerpoint.  Overall, I like how this image turned out.  It is a pretty good replication of the original image and I think each element is aligned well.

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